Sunday, August 1, 2010

going back ... to cali cali (and in time)

These pictures are from our exciting visit to San Diego in June. I just recently uploaded the photos from Nate's camera and was overcome with a feeling of sadness that I had not documented our awesome trip ... even though two of my sister-in-laws did! I would like my own record and thus ... here is our trip in picture form.

I went to the SD zoo with Sara, Libby, and Jenna and we had a blast. It was fun because this was only the second time spending time with them ... the first time being the wedding. I am sooo grateful to have such great in-laws that make me feel like I have known them forever. Some of the highlights include:

The camels with saggy humps ... that's got to be embarrassing, right? I still thought they were looking pretty good ...

Good enough to have my nieces stand in front of them and say cheese! I am such a great new aunt - aren't I?

This sweet peacock was strutting around the zoo ... just free to do whatever he liked. He was soooo beautiful - I kind of like peacock stuff.

The peacock was hanging out with the elephants - they are such amazing animals! So big! And that trunk is so crazy - it amazes me every time I see one in action.

More evidence that I am an awesome aunt ... I got Jenna to pose like the statue of some crazy sumo elephant ... which in all honesty wasn't that hard to do. I would be really awesome if I could have talked Libby into doing it, but she would have nothing of the sort.

I also suggested to Jenna to put up her hand so that the orangutans might do the same to her (classic move right) but no luck ... the animals weren't as open to the idea as Jenna was. Isn't she just sooo cute!

Jenna try to "connect" with Clyde. He's content with the burlap sack on his head.

Clyde's face was soooo huge - those cheeks! and his eyes are sooo tiny ... he's chillen with the brulap sack on his head still.

Of course we saw the baby panda bear and it was so cute because he was frolicing around while mom ate some bamboo.

Mom panda eating bamboo.

Here is the seciton of the post called: "WHO KNEW!"

1) WHO KNEW that the California Condor was so dang ugly and looked exactly like a vulture! All those days growing up and hearing about, "Save the California Condor" and I was picturing some beautiful majestic bird! Not that ugly birds aren't were saving ... but still ... WHO KNEW!

2) WHO KNEW that there were turtles that had snake like heads! Funny enough its called the snakeneck turtle and lives down under in and around Australia ... of course it would. That's where all sorts of strange creatures were cut off from the rest of the world and evolved into strange strange things ... sooo awesome. Doesn't it look like a long neck dinosaur (also known as little foot or a brontosaurus)? Super creepy cool - I took these pictures to show Nate.

Then we went to the Mariners v. Padres baseball game in sweet PetCo field. It is super duper sweet! Right in the middle of downtown with all sorts of cool things about it. Here is nate with his Mariners stuff on ...

Super cool architecture of old and new buildings.

They have a sand box and a baseball diamonds for kids to play on during the game ... because lets be honest ... baseball can be tough to watch. Thank heavens we had yummy food to eat to keep us distracted thanks to Sara!

Overall we had a blast in SD seeing the Joe/Sara/Libby/Jenna Soelbergs ... it was great!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! We are so glad that you came down. Thanks for loving the girls!
