Sunday, August 1, 2010

the buffet/sideboard BEAST

i read a lot of design blogs - mostly those that revolve around DIY stuff because let's face it - i don't really want to look at stuff i can't have. sooooo i am determined to do things myself. i enjoy the process and the journey generally. generally. let me fill you in on my latest beast of a project.

Meet the buffet/sideboard:

she was a whopping $19.99 (no sales tax either here in oregon) - marked down several times over a period of weeks. naturally i snatched her right up and i did do a quick on site inspection ... maybe a little too quick.

I was seduced by her details and cool door hardware. she has an asian flare that i was looking for (my husband's influence) because of the piece that will hang above it and the lamps that will go on either side.

here are her guts:

here is her ugly side, also known as her rusted and splayed metal drawer slides and chewed up wooded drawer tracks:

another blemish: her hardware won't come off ... no matter how hard you or your husband tries to unscrew it

i realized the drawers were going to need some attention ... but did you know that drawer slides cost $11.99 a piece (center bottom slides)? there are 9 drawers in her ... that is $107.99!!! I found some options online if I buy 10 ... but its still $53.91 ... more than I am willing to pay right now. so nate had a great idea - paint it and get it all ready and if we really like it and want to spend the money on it ... we will ... sigh ... who knows ... but on we go!


  1. Can't wait to see what you do with her.

  2. I'm so excited to see what it looks like when you're done!

  3. Cool Bethany! Hope it works out for you.

    I have a furniture painting question. A friend of mine said that you need to put a clear top coat on wood furniture that you paint to seal the paint and make it not chip. Brian says that's not really necessary. So what's the dealeo? (You can respond here or email me. Whatever is easier)
