Saturday, April 16, 2011


they often say that a woman glows when she is pregnant.

this is not the case for me ... unless you count that oil slick that covers my face each day.

seriously, my skin has taken a turn for the worse these days and i am break out city ... more so than when i was a teenager.

but lets end on a high note ... i am in love with bacon and egg (and sometimes avocado) sandwiches these days and i make one every morning before work to go with my milk and banana shake. i am also a big fan of bran muffins for my mid-morning snack. and popsicles - i am a big fan of those even though its still pretty chilly these days.

yeah for week 14 and not feeling so bad but still eating almost every hour! woot woot!


  1. hahaha! I love this post! I laughed the whole way through!

  2. just think of it as the baby cleaning out your system for optimum growth. i broke out like a mo-fo with Monica, but not at all with the boys.
