Tuesday, May 24, 2011

20 weeks

here it is ... my 20 week progress shot. my mother-in-law likes to guess the gender based on how you are carrying the baby ... what do you think? BOY or GIRL?? we find out on thursday!


  1. I'm always wrong so take my vote with a grain of salt. I'm going to guess...GIRL!

    You look great! Keep on growing that baby!

  2. You look so great!! I can't wait to see you live and in person.

  3. Hmmm...based on what ladies around here say about stomach shapes, I say girl. But what do I know. But it would be fun if we both had girls!!

  4. I never know how to tell by shape. So I'm just going to guess boy because that would even up the score for the Soelberg grandkids (4 girls, 4 boys.) Can't wait to hear what your having!

  5. I'm having a hard time, but I'm going to stick with my original guess of Girl!
    I wrote you an email, too - to be sure you see it before you guys head in for the appointment tomorrow. Exciting! We'll be thinking of you!
